Words and music by Rosemary Phillips
From the book, story and play The Day the Wind Changed
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Link to Lyrics PDF and to simple Sheet Music with Guitar Chords
Link to The Day the Wind Changed web pages with information, scripts, FREE downloads and PDFs
Link to VIDEO
Do something different, Do something new
To help get a different point of view
Do something different, Do something new
To change what we’re going through.
Once upon a time on a hill far away
Lived some people who forgot how to play
They forgot how to sing, they forgot how to laugh
And they did the same things every day.
‘Til the Sun called the Wind to say
– They must - Do something different, Do something new
To help get a different point of view
Do something different, Do something new
To change what they're going through.
The wind changed direction, it blew strong and cold
And snow flakes fell to the ground.
The people were afraid and hid in their homes
Then Hope went out to play and found…
As she called to her friends around –
- We Can - Do something different, Do something new
To help get a different point of view
Do something different, Do something new
To change what we’re going through.
The grown-ups saw the children having lots of fun
They felt they could change their way
So they joined in their play, and laughed and laughed away
And sang and danced all day.
Then the Sun called the Wind to say –
- They are - doing something different, Doing something new
To help get a different point of view
Doing something different, Doing something new
To change what they're going through.
The wind changed again and blew the clouds away
And the people cheered out loud with delight
The sun came shining through, and the sky was clear and blue
And the snow disappeared from sight.
They sang and laughed while they worked every day
And their lives were rearranged.
Every day they do something different, something new
For they’ll not forget the Day the Wind Changed…
- They - Do something different, Do something new
To help get a different point of view
Do something different, Do something new
To change what they're going through.
- We must - Do something different, Do something new
To help get a different point of view
Do something different, Do something new
To change what we're going through.