Welcome to the "The Day the Wind Changed" web pages.
A story, song and play for children and grown-ups about CHANGE
"...Do something diff'rent, do something new to help get a diff'rent point of view..."
This is a story (song and play) about hope, about facing challenges, and about working together to solve a problem... a story for all ages, all walks of life, all cultures.
"Your story is important to me because... It is a deep meaning." - Jaimie, Grade 2
"Once upon a time... on a hill far away, lived some people who forgot how to play. They forgot how to laugh, they forgot how to sing, and they did the same things every day..."
Originally titled "A Community Fairy Tale," this story first made its appearance in "1992 The Beginning," as the introduction to a report to Campbell River City Council and community in British Columbia, Canada, for their Healthy Communities project.
The story is now titled, quite appropriately, "The Day the Wind Changed." This little book is the result of 25 years of revisions, feedback from children, teachers and grown-ups, and considerable thought on how to illustrate it. It is a story for all ages, all walks of life, all cultures. This little book has also incorporated suggestions from children to "add more weather", and add "the moon and stars," while others liked it just the way it was originally written. As one youngster said, "It is a deep meaning." And another asked, "Why write about change?"
The timing is right for this story, for indeed, the wind has changed on Planet Earth.
"I love your story. You rock." Shay, Grade 2
After the huge success of the One Seed play, which has now been performed in schools around the world, I have been able to create a script for "The Day the Wind Changed" to turn it into a play with characters and sound effects. (See below for a video of students performing it at OK Falls Elementary).
EARTH DAY 2017 VIDEO - with The Day the Wind Changed - at OK Falls Elementary
For Earth Day the students at Okanagan Falls Elementary School in British Columbia took on the challenge of performing The Day the Wind Changed, to bring the story to life. They did it completely unrehearsed, while reading from the scripts. The students are amazing. Thank you all!
"This story is important to me because... I understand the meaning in the story. I like the way you make the story interesting." Jordan, Grade 2
Book Launch at the Grand Forks Public Library on March 24, 2017. Rosemary is reading the story before "bringing it to life" with the scripts, big book, participation and sound effects - and of course, the new song.
THE SONG - The Day the Wind Changed - Sing-Along Video and FREE MP3 and PDF Lyrics
I was joined by singer Leeza LeClare and engineer Zak Eburne at Odyssey Sound Services in Grand Forks, BC and had fun making the recording of the new song, The Day the Wind Changed. In 2019 Nathan Vogel created a re-mix of the recording with some added keyboard. The recording is now available here as a free MP3 download, with the free PDF lyrics.
During a special presentation a few years ago of just reading the story to a class at Okanagan Falls Elementary School in British Columbia, Canada, Miss McCall had her Grade 2 students write a review of the story and suggestions for its publication as a book. As mentioned above, one such suggestion was to add more weather, and another to add the moon and the stars.
Thank you OK Falls Elementary. Some of your reviews follow here, edited for spelling, and drawings are included in the Children's Art Gallery.
Should you have a review of the story that you would like to have posted on this web site please send it along to the e-mail address on the Contact page.
This story is important to me because:
It has detail and it has a problem. It is a deep message. - Jaimie
I understand the meaning in the story. I like the way you make the story interesting. - Jordan
It taught me a lesson. I like how you made it all boring for the people in the book at the start and then it's fun. - Brady
I like how you connect feelings with weather. I like the snowball wall because it's a good idea to keep bad weather out of a happy world. It was an excellent story! - Craig
It reminded me of nature and how nice it is. I like how you used nature and the wind helping the sun. I liked the way you made the little girl different from the rest. - Nicole
I sometimes do the same thing over and over. You have good characters. I like the colours used in the wording.
It gives me ideas. When the people helped the kids. When the people are happy.
It taught me a good lesson. - Griffin
I liked your characters. I liked your weather. I liked your ending. I wish I can write like you. - Chase
I think it is really creative. - Dryden
It relates to my life. Awesome detail. Good story. Nice ending. Three stars. - Amanda
There is a hill by my house. We made a snowman on top. You have a good imagination. I like how you added lots of characters.
I see a movie when I read the story. I like how you made it so you can see the mental images. - Sam
FREE E-BOOK as PDF Download - and MP3 READ-ALONG-STORY Click on the links below for your FREE copies!
"The Day the Wind Changed" Story and Song by Rosemary Phillips
Published and Copyright 2017
by Rosemary Phillips & Quills Quotes & Notes
Printed Version, 2nd Edition ISBN 978-0-9866066-12-5
Electronic (PDF) Version, 2nd Edition ISBN 978-1-928040-13-2
Read-Along MP3 ISBN 978-1-928040-10-1
Sing-Along MP3 ISBN 978-1-928040-11-8
CD Audio ISBN 978-1-928040-04-0
MP3 Online Story ISBN 978-1-928040-10-1
MP3 Online Song ISBN 978-1-928040-11-8
Made in Canada